In recognition of our celebrated craft and homemaking heritage, Women’s Institute branches from across New Brunswick have offered to put their skills to good use. 18 branches have committed to sewing non-surgical masks that will help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Masks will be available for purchase at $6 each.
Need a mask?
As New Brunswick’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Jennifer Russell has suggested, the masks aren’t for personal protection, but for the protection of others. NBWI women are sewing colourful and bright homemade masks to make sure “your droplets aren’t getting on other people”.
Photo courtesy of Chelsie Cobbett | Greater Fredericton Women’s Institute Photo courtesy of Chelsie Cobbett | Greater Fredericton Women’s Institute Photo courtesy of Charity Derrah | Mount Pleasant Women’s Institute
If you know a person or an organization that is looking for these non-surgical masks, you can reach out to Rose D’Amour in the NBWI head office at or reach out directly to a participating branch:
- Coldstream WI
- Lakeside WI
- Hillsborough WI
- Salmon Creek WI
- Norton WI
- Upper Gagetown WI
- Havelock WI
- Murray Corner WI
- Maugerville WI
- Debec WI
- Central Rusagonis WI
- Greater Fredericton WI
- DeWolfe WI
- Mount Pleasant WI
- Grand Bay WI
- Burnt Church WI
- Glen Levit WI
- Blackville WI
This is a joint project of the New Brunswick Women’s Institute and the New Horizon for Seniors Project.
Looking for your own mask-making resources?
How to make a healthcare mask with special filter pocket:
Easy 3 minute mask tutorial with pocket
Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 [Mask Making Tutorial from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ]
How to make an easy face mask that’s washable and reusable with spare fabric
DIY Fabric Tie Face Mask with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Company