
The New Brunswick Women’s Institute has 600 members registered in 70 branches and 16 districts around the province. Any New Brunswick woman of at least 18 years of age and regardless of religion, race or creed, can join the NBWI.

The NBWI is a member of the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada; there is a chapter in each Province of Canada. The FWIC is in turn part of the largest non-profit women’s organization in the world. The Associated Country Women of the World has over nine million members in 74 countries on five continents. The ACWW family of organizations fosters the development of leadership and the involvement of women in building stronger communities, families and countries.

The NBWI is a grassroots organization dedicated to informing and educating women about issues and events of concern to them and their communities. It also has a strong homemaking and craft heritage.

The NBWI objectives are accomplished at monthly Branch meetings, fundraising events to support the needs of their community, and regular workshops, and social occasions. There are yearly conventions and planning sessions in each district. Each May all NBWI members are encouraged to attend a multiple-day Provincial Convention held in various venues around the province.

The NBWI receives some support from the Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries regarding administrative issues arising from the application of the provincial Women’s Institue and Institut Féminin Act. Lynn Moore, Manager of Stewardship, Land and Environment Branch, is DAAF’s current director for WI issues.

There is a Provincial Office in Fredericton with a competent Administrative Officer, Rose D’Amour, who edits and publishes a biannual provincial newsletter: Home and Country. Contact the Office for more information on the Institute.

More about the WI…

  • NBWI provides nine (9) different academic scholarships annually NBWI offers sessions on various topics such as environmental concerns, women’s rights, health education, legal issues, family violence and many other subjects.
  • NBWI maintains and operates the WI Home for Senior Ladies. This home established in 1952, is the only one like it in Canada and offers a cozy home atmosphere for senior women.
  • NBWI offers education to members during conventions at the district and provincial level.
  • NBWI supports the crew of HMCS Fredericton with their annual Bike for Wishes fundraising event, providing meals for the bikers, refreshments along the way and attending the rallies.

  • NBWI lobbies governments and other agencies regarding changes and reforms to improve family and community life.

Organizational Structure